Author: Andy

What is the Difference Between an HRV unit and an ERV unit?

Ventilation System - Springbank Mechanical Toronto HVAC Company

Property owners are always looking for ways to reduce energy bills while maintaining good indoor air quality for their tenants. One way to do this is to optimize your ventilation system by capturing heat from the outgoing air before losing it to the outside, saving energy and bringing down your heating and cooling costs.

Heat recovery ventilator (HRV) and energy recovery ventilator (ERV) technology can help you do that efficiently. Knowing the main differences between the two systems is important in deciding which is best for your commercial property.

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6 Commercial HVAC Trends To Watch For In 2021

Building Blocks That Make The Date 2021 - Sprinbank Mecahnical Toronto Commercial HVAC Company

For many of us, 2020 can’t come to a close fast enough! At Springbank Mechanical Systems, we’re excited for 2021 because of the opportunities for companies to take advantage of HVAC technology to make their energy use more efficient without compromising performance.

We’re already seeing large shifts in the industry for two reasons: a demand for better air quality in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need for sustainable solutions that make building operations more efficient and cost-effective. In both cases, HVAC innovators are ready to answer the call, making 2021 a year where there will be positive, impactful changes to the way companies and commercial property managers heat and cool their buildings.
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How Technology Attracts New Talent into the HVAC Space

A Person With Technology Panes - Springbank Mechanical Toronto HVAC Company

With baby boomers retiring, there is a need for the next generation of skilled tradespeople to enter the workforce. However, for years the education system has been placing a heavy emphasis on university-level career paths, leaving the skilled trades with more vacancies than ever before.

HVAC technicians in particular are in high-demand right now, especially in Ontario, where the Canadian Government has given HVAC its highest job prospects rating. This is largely because of the current building boom of office towers, residential buildings, shopping malls, and other large structures. With Ontario’s regularly fluctuating climate, all of these buildings will need HVAC systems installed, maintained, and replaced for decades to come.

The demand for skilled HVAC talent is there, but the question remains as to how to attract young people to the profession. The answer may lie with technology.
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Springbank’s Ongoing Commitment to Preventing COVID-19

A Doctor Mask - Springbank Mechanical Toronto HVAC Company

As the provincial government continues to allow businesses to open up in the wake of decreasing cases of COVID-19, our company remains steadfast in our approach to protecting the health and well-being of our clients, staff, and the public at large.

COVID-19 has proven to be a highly contagious infection that primarily spreads through the air via coughing, sneezing, or talking. It can also be transmitted through touching doorknobs, computer screens, or other surfaces on which respiratory droplets have fallen. In light of these findings, public health officials have recommended physical distancing and mask wearing as two ways to help combat the spread of the infection.

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3 Problems that Will Affect Your Cooling and Refrigeration System Efficiency

An office worker in front of a fan to cool down - HVAC Refrigeration System Springbank Mechanical Toronto

As the weather heats up and the humidity rises, your building’s occupants are likely grateful to work in a comfortable, climate-controlled environment that includes air conditioning. Likewise, occupants who rely on a refrigeration system to operate their business are happy that their products are kept in an optimum space that protects them from sweltering temperatures.

However, just because the cool air is flowing and the refrigeration systems are doing their job doesn’t mean that these systems are operating as efficiently as they could be. In fact, there are 3 issues you might not be aware of that could become significant problems over time. If left untreated, the results could include system breakdown, expensive repair, and unhappy tenants.

Why HVAC Inspection Should be Part of Your COVID Return to Work Policy

Back To Work Sign - Springbank Mechanical Toronto HVAC System Company

It has been three months since the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic took North America – and much of the world – by surprise. With Canadian and American businesses across the industrial spectrum making preparations to reopen, their leaders are developing return to work policies to minimize the potential further spread of the virus.

Many of these policies are being framed around physical distancing, as well as improved sanitization practices. However, the air we breathe is also an important factor in protecting staff, customers, and tenants against illness due to viruses.

This means that all return to work policies should also contain a plan to clean, inspect, and service the company’s existing HVAC system.

Who Should Shut Down Your Commercial Heating Systems?

A Person Turning Off The Heat - Springbank Mechanical Toronto HVAC Company

Now that we’re approaching the end of the winter season, it’s time to start shutting down commercial heating systems to maintain tenant comfort and conserve energy.

As a property owner, you understand that turning off the heat in your building is much more complicated than flipping a switch, and instead involves a series of procedures that need to be carried out by a trained professional.

Inspecting and shutting down the gas boilers and gas heating systems properly will also ensure any needed repairs are fully documented, and that cleaning and maintenance can be performed over the summer months, allowing the system to start up smoothly come the colder fall weather. 

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How Much Will Our Business Change Going Forward?

2 Commercial HVAC Workers - Sprinbank Mechanical Commercial HVAC Company Toronto

It has been a full two months since the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic started closing Canadian and American businesses, and anyone still operating has moved to online sales or curb pick-up where possible. Many businesses had to think quickly as to what they were going to do and how to do it properly. What is the next step for the businesses that can reopen and those that might never re-open?

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What to Expect During this Unprecedented Time as We All Do Our Part to Get Through this Pandemic

Business Woman Juggling Tasks Including Maintenance - Springbank Mechanical Toronto HVAC Company

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact businesses and clients everywhere, property owners are juggling financial figures and commitments to their own customers and employees, but one decision that should not be tough is whether to continue to maintain a building’s critical infrastructure systems. They may not be fully aware of why now is not the time to pause their maintenance programs.

COVID-19: A Statement from Springbank Mechanical Systems

People Holding A Heart Symbolizing Health And Wellbeing - Springbank Mechanical Toronto

If you’re like us, you’re watching developments on the coronavirus (COVID-19) as they happen. Businesses are closing, public events have been cancelled, and there is no shortage of uncertainty as to when this will all be over.

Now that the World Health Organization has deemed coronavirus a pandemic, we’re joining businesses around the world that are responding with a strategy that helps to protect our customers, staff, and the community at large.

Back in 2003, when the SARS epidemic hit the Toronto area, Springbank Mechanical Systems created a response procedure in the event of a pandemic, hoping we would never have to use it.

Unfortunately, the time to implement it has come.

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