Author: Andy

Winter is Coming: Getting Your Commercial HVAC Heating System Ready for Winter

Toronto Snowstorm - Springbank Mechanical Toronto Commercial HVAC Company

Summer has flown by and we have one again found ourselves in the middle of October. Fall seems to get shorter every year that passes, and suddenly we find that winter is upon us.  That’s why it’s critical to make sure that your commercial HVAC system is ready to operate on heating through the winter months and will keep your customers and your staff warm and comfortable! Continue reading “Winter is Coming: Getting Your Commercial HVAC Heating System Ready for Winter”

Beware! 5 Commercial Air Conditioner Installation Errors

A Pencil Erasing The Word Errors - Springbank Mechanical Toronto Commercial HVAC Company

Whether you are replacing an older commercial HVAC unit, or adding equipment to a new construction, it is vital that the installation is done right and that the correct equipment is selected. This would typically require an engineer to evaluate the building location, use, and construction type before selecting any equipment to ensure the good comfort of occupants and long equipment lifespan. Continue reading “Beware! 5 Commercial Air Conditioner Installation Errors”

What is the Life Span of a Commercial Air Conditioner?

A Person Cooling Down From Hot Weather - Springbank Mechanical Toronto Commercial HVAC Company

The summer is just around the corner and the last thing you need for your commercial business is an air conditioning break down. Many business owners go into this season hoping that their commercial air conditioner will hold on for just one more year. So it begs the question, what is the lifespan of a commercial air conditioning unit? Continue reading “What is the Life Span of a Commercial Air Conditioner?”

Commercial HVAC Problems: When the Thermostat is to Blame

HVAC Thermostat - Springbank Mechanical Toronto Commercial HVAC Company

When your commercial HVAC system isn’t functioning properly it’s pretty easy to identify. When the temperatures aren’t what they are supposed to be, you’ll likely hear from your customers, employees, tenants, and so forth.

There’s an expectation with customers and tenants that the temperatures will be set appropriately while on your property, whether they are living there or just dropping in to purchase something. To keep everybody happy, you need to fix this quickly! Continue reading “Commercial HVAC Problems: When the Thermostat is to Blame”

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