Winter is Coming: Getting Your Commercial HVAC Heating System Ready for Winter

Blog Winter is Coming: Getting Your Commercial HVAC Heating System Ready...
Toronto Snowstorm - Springbank Mechanical Toronto Commercial HVAC Company

Summer has flown by and we have one again found ourselves in the middle of October. Fall seems to get shorter every year that passes, and suddenly we find that winter is upon us.  That’s why it’s critical to make sure that your commercial HVAC system is ready to operate on heating through the winter months and will keep your customers and your staff warm and comfortable!

A lot can happen through spring, summer and fall, so it’s critical to make sure that your commercial HVAC heating system is prepped and ready to go for winter. Nothing is more alarming than turning on the heat for the winter and nothing happens. So, not only do we want to make sure that our commercial HVAC heating system is working, we want to make sure that it is optimized and working as efficiently as possible.

Read More: The Benefits of Commercial HVAC Maintenance

So how do we do this? We at Springbank Mechanical have created a checklist for you to review to make sure you’re ready to go. These are the measures that need to be taken to ensure that you have a warm and problem-free winter. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to us, we are always here to support you!

  1. Turn on the heat! It may sound obvious, but you should turn on the heat prior to the winter months coming (September). It’s important to see that the HVAC heating system is working. This is not the kind of thing you want to discover when the temperature drops and all of a sudden you’ve got a crisis with freezing cold staff and clients on your hands.
  2. Equipment inspection. Your commercial HVAC maintenance company should do a full equipment inspection in late summer, early fall to make sure that all components are functioning properly. This way there are no surprises when the weather finally gets cold. If you are not engaged in a commercial HVAC maintenance program with a legitimate commercial HVAC company, you need to do so immediately. Call us at Springbank and we can talk to you about it.
  3. Air Vent cleaning. Over the course of a year the air vents on your HVAC heating system can accumulate dust and filth. Make sure that they are thoroughly cleaned by an HVAC professional. If not you may see a significant drop in air quality causing discomfort and higher allergy levels with your staff and customers. You should also ensure that no air vents are blocked by furniture or boxes and that the air can flow freely.
  4. Thermostat calibration. It’s important to make sure that all thermostats are calibrated properly before the winter months come. Again, uncalibrated thermostats can lead to incorrect internal temperatures and cause discomfort with your clients and staff.
  5. Clean/Replace Air Filters. Air filters accumulate dirt throughout the year which can negatively impact air flow and the quality of air in your building. Clean or replace all air filters prior to the winter months.

Read More: The Must Have Commercial HVAC Maintenance Checklist

We at Springbank Mechanical take great pride in ensuring that our clients commercial HVAC heating systems are running efficiently, are saving our client’s money and are prepared for the upcoming seasons. If you are unsure about the state of your commercial HVAC system, or if you aren’t prepared for an icy Canadian winter, contact us and we will help you. Don’t wait until it is too late! Contact us today!

Gregg Little is Co-owner of Springbank Mechanical Systems. He can be reached at 905-569-8990 or


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